Sunday, August 7, 2011

Un_Lcuky Numbers

Never the 
Lucky Ones 
23 34 1 52 8.. 9 4

Nothing at all To do with Elle

Drills Holes Into the Sides Where trust should Come into Play Yet I told them I was not There In that place Yes physically I was but The mind May Wander when No one IS Looking Constantly I Have not Seen Where I Was going Then IT was all Gone Seeping Out Drop By Drop Into the DEEP of the Pit Without A bottom A Bullet Chased me Down When I was Meant To Drown, The Dialogue suffers When the Character has NO Ground to stand on Rather Trodden in The Marsh Unaware that They are Sinking. Love Has very Little if anything AT all to Do with It. 

Does need be?

there was something New 
Something untold 
they spoke in shrieking 
I loved you. when 
there was time 
then It was all Gobbled 
up with greedy 
Licking tongues. 
they devour the thought 
Devour the mind 
Mind that I never knew 
But Now. I think 
That once you Knew 
sing the little Ashen days 
Into A dusting. tray
scratching nerves keep tender
Dreams harking late Nights 
into seeping dawns 
I had You when. you Gave
time to trace the Craven 
clouds into Ticking holes 
they Scream in the nights when 
Sunlight shuts up Her eyes. 
Chasing me into the Grave